Guido Daniele
Interview in Japan
Guido Daniele
Interview to la7 of Marco Ferini
Guido Daniele
Show: Hen na mono 100
TV Channel: TBS -Tokyo Broadcasting System
Guido Daniele
Spot Pompea - 2008
Guido Daniele
Spot Muller - 2008
Guido Daniele
Interview to TV ARD
Guido Daniele
Back-stage in New York of campaign U.S. 2008 for AT&T
Guido Daniele
Menstyle, 3 april 2008
Guido Daniele
Hand Paiting in Harrods Window, 4 february 2008
Interview to SKY TV, 4 february 2008
Guido Daniele Interview to Radio Trinidad during the exhibition at the Gallery De Los Cospiradores in Plaza de la Catedral, Trinidad - Cuba
11 december 2007
Guido Daniele
Video interview to Tele Venezuela Caracas, Venezuela, october 2007
Guido Daniele
Interview of Edith Massola to channel 23 Y M
Tele Avana, Cuba, 10 november 2007
Guido Daniele
Opening sequence screened at Teresa Carreno Theatre Caracas, Venezuela, october 2007
Animal Planet Movie
Jingle and spot of the annual award: "Hero of the Year"
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Guido Daniele
Speech of Historiador Eusebio Leal La Habana, Cuba, mars 2007
Guido Daniele Video interview to Tele Habana
Interview of Gladis Gonzales to Radio Avana
cultural program "Paradiso", 26 mars 2007
Handimals - Guido Daniele
Program "La Grande Escena" Tele Habana
Interview to Guido Daniele
Interview to Channel 4 from " Richard & Judy ", London
Interview to Guido Daniele
Interview to " Piazza Grande " from Giancarlo Magalli RAI 2, Roma
Interview to Guido Daniele
Interview to "Cominciamo Bene Animali e Animali" from Licia Colò RAI 3
Interview to Guido Daniele
Interview to Amburgo - broadcast NDR, ZDF Morgenmagazin German Channel (Rai)
Handimals - Guido Daniele
Collection of hand (literally) painted animals by Guido Daniele published by
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Handimals - Guido Daniele
Animals in Art published by
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Murales for the Centenarian of the Group "Buzzi Unicem"
Murales of mt. 8 x 20 for the Centenarian of the Group "Buzzi Unicem" to Casale Monferrato.
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