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Murales for childschool "Los Camillitos",
Avana, Cuba, 2004 |

Murales for childschool "Los Camillitos",
Avana, Cuba, 2004 |

Murales for childschool "Los Camillitos",
Avana, Cuba, 2004 |

Murales for dance school "Litz Alfonso",
Avana, Cuba, 2005 |

Murales for dance school "Litz Alfonso",
Avana, Cuba, 2005 |

Murales for dance school "Litz Alfonso",
Avana, Cuba, 2005 |

Murales for dance school "Litz Alfonso",
Avana, Cuba, 2005 |

Murales for dance school "Litz Alfonso",
Avana, Cuba, 2005 |

Murales for dance school "Litz Alfonso",
Avana, Cuba, 2005 |

Plan for murales of meters 8x20 for the Centenarian of "Buzzi Unicem 1907-2007",
Casale Monferrato, April 2007 |

The murales after 4 days of job "Buzzi Unicem",
Casale Monferrato, April 2007 |

The murales finished in 3 weeks of job "Buzzi Unicem",
Casale Monferrato, April 2007 |

Last adjustments "Buzzi Unicem",
Casale Monferrato, April 2007 |

Ginevra Daniele anf Guido Daniele of work "Buzzi Unicem",
Casale Monferrato, April 2007 |

Guido Daniele to ended job "Buzzi Unicem",
Casale Monferrato, April 2007 |